GM Unveils Electric Networked-Vehicle (EN-V) Concept (w/ Video)

By 2030, urban areas will be home to more than 60 percent of the world's 8 billion people. This will put tremendous pressure on a public infrastructure that is already struggling to meet the growing demand for transportation ...

The vehicle industry must have a rethink

Despite the fact that the vehicle industry is currently described as an industry in crisis, there are high hopes that the development of future IT services for vehicles will drive development. However, for new technology ...

Germany wants a million electric cars by 2020

The German government unveiled plans Wednesday to get one million electric cars zipping around the country by 2020, offering sweeteners to jump-start national giants like BMW and Volkswagen into action.

NASA Launches New Technology: An Inflatable Heat Shield

A successful NASA flight test Monday demonstrated how a spacecraft returning to Earth can use an inflatable heat shield to slow and protect itself as it enters the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds.

Japan may add noise to quiet hybrid cars for safety

Japan's near-silent hybrid cars have been called dangerous by the vision-impaired and some users, prompting a government review on whether to add a noise-making device, according to an official.

Mean, green machine - future of motor racing

Cars powered by chocolate, steered by carrots with drivers sitting on soybean oil foam seats - it's motor racing's cheap, cheerful and environmentally-friendly series of the future.

US to push plan to swap for fuel efficient cars

A key US lawmaker Tuesday announced agreement after White House talks on a plan to offer Americans government cash to trade in "old clunkers" -- ancient, gas guzzling cars -- for fuel efficient models.

Proton goes Dutch in electric car tie-up

Malaysian automaker Proton has said it will manufacture electric cars for eco-conscious markets in Europe and the United States, in a deal with Netherlands-based Detroit Electric.

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