Natural gas fuelled cars for the country environmentally friendly

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly automobile, think about getting a hybrid car or one running on natural-gas. In terms of CO2 emissions both perform significantly better than gasoline or diesel fuelled vehicles. ...

Bay Area governments make big electric-vehicle buy

A group of San Francisco Bay Area cities, counties and water agencies is joining forces for what is being billed as one of the largest single government purchases of all-electric vehicles in the country.

Calif. settlement will fund car charging network

(AP) -- An energy company accused of artificially inflating the cost of electricity, leading to California's power crisis a decade ago, agreed to pay a $120 million settlement that will fund 10,000 electric car charging ...

High-mileage hybrids have huge payoff

Modern electric hybrid vehicles have been sold in the United States for more than a decade. Honda's two-door Insight hit the U.S. market in 1999, and Toyota marketed its first hybrid four-door sedan, the Prius, in 2000. Many ...

A new map points at the impacts of rare earth elements

A map created by the Debt Observatory in Globalization in collaboration with the EJAtlas of Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), the Institute for Policy ...

Pandemic caused 'unprecedented' emissions drop: study

Pandemic restrictions saw an unprecedented fall in greenhouse gas emissions in the first half of 2020—larger than during the 2008 financial crisis and even World War II—experts said Wednesday.

Celtic Renewables aims to process next-gen biofuel

(—A distillery agreement between two companies in Scotland is to turn whiskey byproducts into fuel. Those who look forward to a bright future of biofuels that are easier on the environment will be interested in ...

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