From kale to carotenoid powerhouse: Advances in plant nutrition

Carotenoids, vital antioxidants in plants, are integral for human health, enhancing immunity and preventing diseases. However, many vegetables, including Chinese kale, naturally exhibit low carotenoid levels.

Big Earth imager to be tested on small Vega CubeSat

A briefcase-sized CubeSat being flown on Europe's next Vega launcher this week will gather 340 km wide views of Earth's vegetation growth, employing a spectral imager originally designed for ESA's decade-in-flight Proba-V.

Soil microbes return after replanting local native plants

Robust long-term ecosystem restoration relies not just on replanting native vegetation but on the recovery of underlying soil biodiversity—yet this area has received little attention and is poorly understood, Flinders University ...

290 million new city dwellers benefit China's climate balance

Contrary to popular belief, China's massive emigration from rural areas to cities has been shown to have a positive effect on China's carbon stocks. Urbanization can even play a role in attaining climate neutrality. This ...

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