Most people consider becoming vegetarian for their health

Researchers know that people are motivated to be vegetarian for different reasons—the most common in western cultures being health, the environment and animal rights. But how compelling are these different factors for nonvegetarians?

Researcher observes the unexpected: nut-eating gorillas

Despite their large body size, gorillas are known to have a vegetarian diet consisting almost exclusively of leafy vegetation and fruit. Their teeth are large and high-crested when compared to other great apes, which is usually ...

Homemade cat food diets could be risky

One quick Google search can net hundreds of homemade cat food recipes, but a new study from researchers at the University of California, Davis, finds most are unlikely to provide cats all their essential nutrients. Some recipes ...

Researcher discovers vegetarian sharks

She's never seen "Jaws" or heard "Mack the Knife," but don't underestimate Samantha Leigh's shark credentials. She knows how to hypnotize the creatures, analyze their blood and even take them on a two-hour car trip.

Vegan dogs: Should they go meat free?

Over the last ten years, it's estimated there has been a 360% rise in veganism in Britain – around 542,000 people have "gone vegan". As a nation of animal lovers, with around 44% of homes owning a pet – and somewhere ...

The myth of a vegetarian India

India has a reputation as a vegetarian nation, and Indians certainly consume far less meat than the global average. But the view of India as a predominantly vegetarian nation may not be quite accurate.

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