Pollution risks worsening global water scarcity: Study

Water scarcity could affect three billion more people than previously expected by mid-century, with increased pollution rendering river sources "unsafe" for humans and wildlife, researchers warned Tuesday.

Ocean organism could be key to animal-free meat

A fungus-like microbe taken from the pristine waters of South Australia could prove to be a vital ingredient in making everything from nutritional supplements, medicines and biofuels to animal-free meat, according to Flinders ...

Researcher observes the unexpected: nut-eating gorillas

Despite their large body size, gorillas are known to have a vegetarian diet consisting almost exclusively of leafy vegetation and fruit. Their teeth are large and high-crested when compared to other great apes, which is usually ...

Modern European genes may favor vegetarianism

A Cornell study, published May 26 in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, describes how shifts in diets in Europeans after the introduction of farming 10,000 years ago led to genetic adaptations that favored the dietary ...

Eating green could be in your genes

Could there be a vegetarian gene? Cornell University researchers have found evidence of a genetic variation - called an allele - that has evolved in populations that have historically favored vegetarian diets, such as in ...

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