AI analyzes bird sightings to help conserve species

For the first time, big data and artificial intelligence are being used to model hidden patterns in nature—not just for one bird species, but for entire ecological communities across continents.

The coelacanth leads a monogamous life

Scientists have successfully analyzed the genetic make-up of the offspring of pregnant coelacanth females for the first time. They found that the likelihood that the offspring is fathered by one single individual is very ...

Researchers detect dozens of new variable stars

By observing the field of globular cluster Palomar 2 with the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO), astronomers have discovered 32 new variable stars. The newfound variables are mostly RR Lyrae stars and cluster members. ...

'Stadium waves' could explain lull in global warming

One of the most controversial issues emerging from the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) is the failure of global climate models to predict a hiatus in warming of global ...

Astronomers discover new kind of variable star

Astronomers using the Swiss 1.2-metre Euler telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile have found a new type of variable star. The discovery was based on the detection of very tiny changes in brightness of stars in ...

How squash agriculture spread bees in pre-Columbian North America

Using genetic markers, researchers have for the first time shown how cultivating a specific crop led to the expansion of a pollinator species. In this case, the researchers found that the spread of a bee species in pre-Columbian ...

Hubble sees a stellar "sneezing fit"

( —Look at the bright star in the middle of this image. It appears as if it just sneezed. This sight will only last for a few thousand years—a blink of an eye in the young star's life.

Astronomers refine measurement of distance to nearest galaxy

A team of astronomers including Carnegie's Ian Thompson have managed to improve the measurement of the distance to our nearest neighbor galaxy and, in the process, refine an astronomical calculation that helps measure the ...

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