Unearthing new dingo truths

Where did dingoes come from and when? Who brought them and what can this tell us about human evolution on our continent? They are mysteries steeped in time that University of New England (UNE) archaeologist Dr. Melanie Fillios ...

V473 Lyr has a low-mass companion, study suggests

Using ESA's XMM-Newton spacecraft, astronomers have conducted X-ray observations of a peculiar Cepheid variable star known as V473 Lyr. Results of the study suggest that this star has a young, low-mass companion. The finding ...

Study indicates changing climate in the Australian South-East

Despite recent rainfall in parts of eastern Australia, a recently released scientific report indicates an increasing risk of below-average rainfall and runoff into streams, and drier conditions into the future in south-eastern ...

Lakes are changing worldwide

Worldwide, lake temperatures are rising and seasonal ice cover is becoming shorter and thinner. This affects lake ecosystems, drinking water supply and fishing. An international research team led by Luke Grant, Inne Vanderkelen ...

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