Lord of the tree rings

Trees are outstanding historians. In fact, scientists dating back to Leonardo da Vinci recognized the value of trees. While others had figured out that you could determine the age of a tree by counting its growth rings, da ...

Indian astronomers discover 70 new variable stars

Astronomers from India have conducted a long-term photometric variability survey of an open cluster known as NGC 559. As a result, they detected 70 new variable stars in the field of this cluster. The finding is presented ...

Exotic binary stars

Cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) are white dwarf stars that are accreting from an orbiting, low mass binary companion star. The accretion is facilitated by the proximity of the stars; typical orbital periods range from about ...

Research inspects a distant gamma-ray emitting blazar

An international team of astronomers has performed a long-term multiwavelength study of a distant gamma-ray emitting blazar known as 1ES 0647+250. Results of the research, published November 23 on arXiv.org, yield important ...

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