Climate change alters the ecological impacts of seasons

If more of the world's climate becomes like that in tropical zones, it could potentially affect crops, insects, malaria transmission, and even confuse migration patterns of birds and mammals worldwide. George Wang, a postdoctoral ...

Researcher observes temperature variability across the world

If more of the world's climate becomes like that in tropical zones, it could potentially affect crops, insect fitness and malaria transmission, and even confuse migration patterns of birds and mammals worldwide.

Eclipsing binary stars discovered by high school students

Two Dallas high school students discovered five stars as members of a Southern Methodist University summer physics research program that enabled them to analyze data gleaned from a high-powered telescope in the New Mexico ...

Smartphones as a health tool for older adults

A team of researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is creating a smartphone app that will help older adults to understand their state ...

'Standard candles' illuminate the far side of the Milky Way

South African astronomers have discovered the very first known stars in the flared disk of our Milky Way Galaxy. These stars are situated on the far side of our Galaxy, 80 thousand light years from the Earth and beyond the ...

Climate change as a matter of public health

For a long time people perceived climate change as an environmental issue–the concern of environmentalists, the concern of a few. It was reframed as a justice issue at the turn of the 21st century, when it became clear ...

Climatologists offer explanation for widening of tropical belt

( —Recent studies have shown that the Earth's tropical belt—demarcated, roughly, by the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn—has progressively expanded since at least the late 1970s. Several explanations for this ...

Forest harvesting intensity varies in Europe

Forests provide us with essential raw materials and the demand for these materials is increasing. To meet this increasing demand, forestry faces the challenge of how to intensify management of the existing production forests ...

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