VISTA stares right through the Milky Way

A new image taken with ESO's VISTA survey telescope reveals the Trifid Nebula in a new light. By observing in infrared light, astronomers can see right through the central parts of the Milky Way and spot many previously hidden ...

Climate models don't over-predict warming, study shows

If you listen to climate change skeptics, Earth's surface hasn't warmed appreciably in the last 15 years, and any "record" set last year is just the result of the planet doing what the planet naturally does.

Environmental 'tipping points' key to predicting extinctions

Researchers from North Carolina State University have created a model that mimics how differently adapted populations may respond to rapid climate change. Their findings demonstrate that depending on a population's adaptive ...

How variable are ocean temperatures?

The earth's climate appears to have been more variable over the past 7,000 years than often thought. This is the conclusion of a new study forthcoming online this week in the U.S. scientific journal Proceedings of the National ...

Climate change alters the ecological impacts of seasons

If more of the world's climate becomes like that in tropical zones, it could potentially affect crops, insects, malaria transmission, and even confuse migration patterns of birds and mammals worldwide. George Wang, a postdoctoral ...

Researcher observes temperature variability across the world

If more of the world's climate becomes like that in tropical zones, it could potentially affect crops, insect fitness and malaria transmission, and even confuse migration patterns of birds and mammals worldwide.

Eclipsing binary stars discovered by high school students

Two Dallas high school students discovered five stars as members of a Southern Methodist University summer physics research program that enabled them to analyze data gleaned from a high-powered telescope in the New Mexico ...

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