Natural variations help resolve a climate puzzle

New research shows that naturally occurring climate variations help to explain a long-standing difference between climate models and satellite observations of global warming.

Evaluating environmental predictors of western U.S. wildfires

As the western United States becomes hotter and drier, wildfires in the region are becoming more frequent and severe. In addition to causing acute, local impacts on people and property, the fires can adversely affect the ...

Low genetic diversity in two manatee species off South America

Worldwide, marine megafauna are at risk of extinction due to climate change, habitat loss, pollution, overhunting, population fragmentation, and hybridization with related species in areas disturbed by humans. Genetic studies ...

Cows prefer "live" co-moo-nication, study reveals

After months of technology-based communication enforced by COVID-19, many of us are missing a "live" human voice. But we're not the only ones—a new study reveals that cows also prefer a face-to-face chat. The research, ...

Indian astronomers discover 70 new variable stars

Astronomers from India have conducted a long-term photometric variability survey of an open cluster known as NGC 559. As a result, they detected 70 new variable stars in the field of this cluster. The finding is presented ...

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