Earth's orbit affects millennial climate variability

Abundant geological evidence demonstrates that Earth's climate has experienced millennial-scale variability superimposed on glacial–interglacial fluctuations through the Pleistocene. The magnitude of millennial climate ...

Examining the accelerating universe

A special edition of EPJST, edited by Balasubramanian Ananthanarayan, Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and Subhendra Mohanty, Department of Theoretical Physics, Physical Research Laboratory, ...

Lakes are changing worldwide

Worldwide, lake temperatures are rising and seasonal ice cover is becoming shorter and thinner. This affects lake ecosystems, drinking water supply and fishing. An international research team led by Luke Grant, Inne Vanderkelen ...

Can living organisms influence changes in their genes?

The change of genetic information over time is a key factor for evolutionary adaptations with which living beings can adapt to changes in their environment. On the one hand, genetic variability arises in the course of reproduction, ...

Decadal climate variability in the tropical Pacific

From devastating floods to raging wildfires, climate variability on a global scale is apparent. These extreme weather events, and the world's climate system as a whole, are heavily influenced by the Tropical Pacific, an expanse ...

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