Astronomers discover new kind of variable star

Astronomers using the Swiss 1.2-metre Euler telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile have found a new type of variable star. The discovery was based on the detection of very tiny changes in brightness of stars in ...

Hubble sees a stellar "sneezing fit"

( —Look at the bright star in the middle of this image. It appears as if it just sneezed. This sight will only last for a few thousand years—a blink of an eye in the young star's life.

Astronomers refine measurement of distance to nearest galaxy

A team of astronomers including Carnegie's Ian Thompson have managed to improve the measurement of the distance to our nearest neighbor galaxy and, in the process, refine an astronomical calculation that helps measure the ...

VISTA discovers new component of Milky Way

Astronomers using the VISTA telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory have discovered a previously unknown component of the Milky Way. By mapping out the locations of a class of stars that vary in brightness called Cepheids, ...

Hundreds of new pulsating variable stars detected

Using the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), astronomers have detected more than 300 pulsating variable stars by observing the Milky Way's satellite galaxy Antlia 2 (or Ant 2 for short). The finding, reported ...

A New Class of Variable Stars Revealed

( -- Modern astronomy sometimes makes discoveries by looking in new places, the distant universe for example, using telescopes and instruments that extend the previous limits of detection.

Ancient Egyptians described Algol's eclipses

The Ancient Egyptian papyrus Cairo 86637 calendar is the oldest preserved historical document of naked eye observations of a variable star, the eclipsing binary Algol - a manifestation of Horus, a god and a king. This calendar ...

'Standard candles' illuminate the far side of the Milky Way

South African astronomers have discovered the very first known stars in the flared disk of our Milky Way Galaxy. These stars are situated on the far side of our Galaxy, 80 thousand light years from the Earth and beyond the ...

A New Method of Estimating Stellar Distances

( -- The star Chi Cygni is located about 550 light-years away, in the direction of the constellation of Cygnus the Swan. It is a notable star because, unlike the sun which still burns hydrogen and is in its mature ...

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