Researchers develop a new way to predict droughts

Scientists looking at the meteorological impacts of climate change have typically looked at increases in severe weather and hurricanes. Now, they are studying another consequence of global warming that will have significant ...

Mysterious diamonds came from outer space, scientists say

Strange diamonds from an ancient dwarf planet in our solar system may have formed shortly after the dwarf planet collided with a large asteroid about 4.5 billion years ago, according to scientists.

Simple technique ushers in long-sought class of semiconductors

Breakthroughs in modern microelectronics depend on understanding and manipulating the movement of electrons in metal. Reducing the thickness of metal sheets to the order of nanometers can enable exquisite control over how ...

AI illuminates permanently shadowed regions on the moon

With the help of artificial intelligence, an international research team led by ETH Zurich has explored the moon's permanently shadowed regions. The information they have obtained about the area's surface properties will ...

Nanoscale fluid-phase changes revealed

Millions of barrels of oil are produced daily from shale reservoirs, yet a significant amount remains untouched, trapped in molecular-sized pores on a nanoscale. Current reservoir models can't predict oil behavior or recovery ...

How forest structure drives productivity

Forests make large contributions to Earth's climate, from releasing water vapor to pulling in carbon dioxide from the air, which mitigates global warming. The arrangement of trees affects how forests use light and water for ...

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