Boosting the force of empty space

Vacuum fluctuations may be among the most counter-intuitive phenomena of quantum physics. Theorists from the Weizmann Institute (Rehovot, Israel) and the Vienna University of Technology propose a way to amplify their force.

Random numbers game with quantum dice

( -- A simple device measures the quantum noise of vacuum fluctuations and generates true random numbers.

Controlling the emission of light? Size matters

In daily life light is often generated by spontaneous emission, for instance, in lighting, in LCD displays, and in DVD players. In this process, an excited quantum emitter, such as an atom, a molecule, or a quantum dot emits ...

Binding together repelling atoms

Basic chemistry tells us that a bond between atoms can form if it is energetically more favorable for the atoms to stick together than staying apart. This fundamentally requires an attractive force between the atoms. However, ...

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