Top electronics fair embraces 'grey' gizmos

High-tech gadgets to make the lives of senior citizens simpler, safer and more fun are in the spotlight at the world's top showcase for consumer electronics and home appliances.

Using bark to vacuum oil spills

Cleaning up oil spills is a time consuming, difficult process. But a novel approach developed at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) uses a new kind of vacuum cleaner that blows bark or other absorbent ...

Cleaning up with space tech

There’s just about nowhere that state-of-the-art space technologies cannot reach – from the martian atmosphere to those hard-to-clean spots under the couch. The search for space dust is giving us cleaner homes.

iRobot CEO says vacuum cleaners clear path to robot future

The clash this year over the future of iRobot pitted visionary robotics against the retail success of the company's Roombas, the circular-shaped domestic helpers that have cleaned millions of living rooms around the world.

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