Samsung launches Tizen-powered TVs in home market

South Korean electronics giant Samsung Electronics Co. has started domestic sales of high-end televisions powered by its Tizen operating system and plans to add washing machines, fridges and other appliances to the range ...

Without a trace: Cells keep to one direction by erasing the path

( —Migrating cells, it seems, cover their tracks not for fear of being followed, but to keep moving forward. Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, have now shown ...

Architect imagines BT Tower as pollutant-scrubbing haven

( —File under Big Idea. Use a city building to trap pollutants, clean the air, and convert car emissions into biofuel? An architect has such a concept. The idea is to attach a special carbon fiber and steel structure ...

Secret to Prism program: Even bigger data seizure

In the months and early years after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, FBI agents began showing up at Microsoft Corp. more frequently than before, armed with court orders demanding information on customers.

Dyson patent shows wash-dry of hands from same fixture

(—Dyson, the British design and manufacturing company known for its vacuum cleaners, fans, and hand dryers, has yet another innovative cleaning design on the burner. This time Dyson has come up with the idea of ...

Dyson alleges Bosch employed mole to steal secrets

(AP)—Vacuum powerhouse Dyson filed legal proceedings Wednesday against Bosch in Britain's High Court, accusing its German rival of having obtained corporate secrets through a mole within a high-security research and development ...

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