Has the pandemic fundamentally changed our ethics?

Over the past two years, our lives have changed in unprecedented ways. In the face of the pandemic, we have been required to obey demanding new rules and accept new risks, making enormous changes to our daily lives.

Study shows vaccine protects dogs against Valley fever

A possible canine vaccine for Valley fever took one giant step closer to becoming a reality thanks to a University of Arizona College of Medicine—Tucson-led study that showed the vaccine provided a high level of protection ...

COVID curriculum brings science home for high school students

When the pandemic sent many students home, University of Arizona researchers and Tucson teachers quickly adapted to the challenges of teaching science without a lab or classroom. A new paper, published in the journal The ...

Critical vaccine for koalas set to be rolled out

While vaccination queues have become commonplace across Australia, the sight of hundreds of koalas lining up for a life-saving jab over coming months is still expected to turn some heads.

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