New global standard counts the cost of environmental damage

Environmental damage costs society enormous amounts of money—and often leaves future generations to foot the bill. Now, a new ISO standard will help companies valuate and manage the impact of their environmental damage, ...

Competent chimpanzee nutcrackers

Humans consider themselves as the tool user par excellence. Previous work comparing human tool use skills to that of other species tended to place the animals in artificial conditions far removed from their natural environments. ...

Study finds growth of genomic databases affects species accuracy

There are many ways to slice and dice genomic data to identify a species of bacteria, or at least find its close relatives. But fast techniques to sequence genomes have flooded the public databases and in a biased fashion, ...

Innovative online tool to drive sustainable water use

Water Footprint Network, the leading global authority on Water Footprint Assessment, is to launch the world's first online tool to calculate and map water footprints, and assess their sustainability. The Water Footprint Assessment ...

Local input key in multi-risk planning decisions

Land use planning and management now has all the scientific tools required for decisions making. But scientists have yet to have an opportunity to collaborate with local authorities to implement them.

Talk it over: Language, uniquely, makes us human

We humans tend to consider ourselves apart from other species. But we're not really so different. So what makes us unique? I'd say it's language, though not everyone would agree.

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