Why charismatic, introduced species are so difficult to manage

Introduced and invasive species can present big problems, particularly when those species are charismatic, finds a recently published paper in the Ecological Society of America's journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

7.1-magnitude quake hits off Fiji

A major earthquake was recorded in the south Pacific early Sunday, about 140 kilometres (88 miles) northeast of Fiji's Ndoi Island, the US Geological Survey said.

Alaskan caribou and ptarmigan migrations recorded

In the February issue of BioScience, biologists describe the first-of-a-kind recording of caribou and ptarmigan migrations made with 14 automated cameras positioned in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska. By ...

New study highlights California tsunami risk

More than a quarter of a million Californians live in coastal areas which could be hit by devastating floods from a major tsunami in the quake-prone US state, a new study says.

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