Ancient sewer excavation sheds light on the Roman diet

( -- Archaeologists working in a system of connected sewers and drains under the ancient town of Herculaneum in the Bay of Naples area of Italy have analyzed the human excrement found there and discovered the ...

Seven new mice species found in Philippines

Seven new species of mice have been found by local and US scientists in the mountains of the Philippines, the government's environment department said Wednesday.

Study reveals most biologically rich island in Southern Ocean

The first comprehensive study of sea creatures around the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia reveals a region that is richer in biodiversity than even many tropical sites, such as the Galapagos Islands. The study provides ...

Researchers reveal remarkable fossil

Researchers from China, Leicester and Oxford have discovered a remarkable fossil which sheds new light on an important group of primitive sea creatures.

Xenacoelomorpha -- a new phylum in the animal kingdom

An international team of scientists including Albert Poustka from the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin has discovered that Xenoturbellida and the acoelomorph worms, both simple marine worms, are more ...

Ever-sharp urchin teeth may yield tools that never need honing

( -- To survive in a tumultuous environment, sea urchins literally eat through stone, using their teeth to carve out nooks where the spiny creatures hide from predators and protect themselves from the crashing ...

Sea noise adventures

In 1953, Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau published his groundbreaking book The Silent World, which has since sold five million copies and captured the imagination of generations of armchair adventurers. While breathtaking in ...

Calcium carbonate and climate change

( -- What links sea urchins, limestone and climate change? The common thread is calcium carbonate, one of the most widespread minerals on Earth. UC Davis researchers have now measured the energy changes among ...

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