Patagonia's coast offers cool refuge for giant kelp

Giant kelp forests around the world have struggled to stay healthy in recent decades, with some vanishing altogether. But along Patagonia's rugged southwestern coast, giant kelp are thriving, showing remarkable stability ...

These strange fossils are closely related to sea urchins

Just a few centimeters long, these animals thrived in the ocean roughly half a billion years ago. Because of their odd morphology, scientists have long struggled to find their branch on the tree of life.

Sea urchin's spiny, elastic strength revealed

(—For the first time, a team of Australian engineers has modelled the microscopic mechanics of a sea urchin's spine, gaining insight into how these unusual creatures withstand impacts in their aquatic environment.

The cement for coral reefs

Coral reefs are hotspots of biodiversity. As they can withstand heavy storms, they offer many species a safe home, and at the same time, they protect densely populated coastal regions as they level out storm-driven waves. ...

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