Cities affect temperatures for thousands of miles

Even if you live more than 1,000 miles from the nearest large city, it could be affecting your weather. In a new study that shows the extent to which human activities are influencing the atmosphere, scientists have concluded ...

Earthworms soak up heavy metal

Earthworms could be used to extract toxic heavy metals, including cadmium and lead, from solid waste from domestic refuse collection and waste from vegetable and flower markets, according to researchers writing in the International ...

Pharmaceutical substances found in waters of Donana

Researchers from the University of Seville (US) have detected active pharmaceutical substances for the first time in the waters of the DoƱana National Park and its surrounding areas. The results suggest eco-toxicological ...

Waste could generate up to 7 percent of electricity in Spain

Researchers from the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) have calculated the energy and economic potential of urban solid waste, sludge from water treatment plants and livestock slurry for generating electricity in Spain. These ...

Is trash the solution to tackling climate change?

Converting the trash that fills the world's landfills into biofuel may be the answer to both the growing energy crisis and to tackling carbon emissions, claim scientists in Singapore and Switzerland. New research published ...

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