Researchers find little evidence to support skills gap claims

A shortage of skilled workers is often the reason many employers say they struggle to find qualified employees to fill vacancies or expand their business. It's become such a concern that public officials in many states are ...

Study shows Jim Crow-era segregation persists in Texas schools

A first-of-its-kind study from researchers in the College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin shows that, in addition to being isolated by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status, English language learners in ...

Parent input ignored in school closings

Officials who close neighborhood schools in poor, urban areas often ignore parents' input, which only reinforces the "institutionalized racism that plagues U.S. schools," a Michigan State University scholar argues.

A picture of health in schools

Feeling comfortable and confident in sport, health, or PE can be very difficult for some young people who can be seen as a 'risk' of becoming obese. Young people from ethnic minorities, especially girls, are more likely to ...

Principal plays surprising role in why new teachers quit

Why do so many beginning teachers quit the profession or change schools? Surprising new research finds it's not a heavy workload or lack of resources that has the most significant effect, but instead the relationship between ...

Study shows suburban schools have worked to 'hoard' advantages

As suburban school districts have gained advantages over their urban counterparts, they have tenaciously clung to them, often at the expense of urban districts, a new study by University of Kansas researchers shows.

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