Green roof design may help control urban runoff

( -- A research team in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies at Virginia Tech has released early results of an experimental study testing the effects of green roofs on controlling urban runoff.  

Green stormwater control measures clean up urban streams

Catching urban runoff in raingardens and rainwater capture tanks improves the water quality of nearby streams and rivers and lowers water temperatures that have risen in the region due to climate change and the urban heat ...

Models show Coho salmon at risk in US urbanizing watersheds

For a decade researchers in Seattle have worked to solve the mystery of why adult coho salmon are dying prematurely in urban streams when they return from the ocean to mate and spawn. In a study published in Integrated Environmental ...

Sources of E. coli are not always what they seem

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have identified sources of Escherichia coli bacteria that could help restore the reputation of local livestock. Studies by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist Mark ...

Simple soil mixture reverses toxic stormwater effects

A simple column of common soil can reverse the toxic effects of urban runoff that otherwise quickly kills young coho salmon and their insect prey, according to new research by Washington State University, NOAA Fisheries and ...

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