Green stormwater control measures clean up urban streams

Catching urban runoff in raingardens and rainwater capture tanks improves the water quality of nearby streams and rivers and lowers water temperatures that have risen in the region due to climate change and the urban heat ...

Using 1980s environmental modeling to mitigate future disasters

On March 11, 2011, multiple catastrophes in Japan were triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake, including the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This event, also known as the 3/11 disaster, ...

Pop-up parks deliver big benefits in small spaces

Pop-up stores, restaurants, and theaters are an increasingly common sight in cities around the world, where they add to the diversity of commercial options available to city dwellers. But while the pop-up phenomenon is normally ...

Book looks at how landscape design helps solve water issues

North America's inland watersheds hold and provide 95% of the continent's fresh water and 20% of the world's fresh water, but the infrastructure used to manage those water systems has led to problems that include soil and ...

'Extinct' bee found on the outskirts of Perth

A native bee species believed to be extinct has been found during a survey of insect pollinators in a remnant of banksia woodland at Pinjar in Perth's northern suburbs.

Berlin's bright sky isn't great for bats

People can hardly imagine a city without night-time street lighting. But how do nocturnal animals such as bats respond to the illuminated urban landscape? In a recent study, scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and ...

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