Why innovation thrives in cities

In 2010, in the journal Nature, a pair of physicists at the Santa Fe Institute showed that when the population of a city doubles, economic productivity goes up by an average of 130 percent. Not only does total productivity ...

Researchers build better earthquake simulator

(Phys.org)—Traditional earthquake simulators have generally functioned by pressing two pieces of rock material together at high pressure until they reach a breaking point, resulting in something similar to the sticking ...

How an urban bat differs from a rural bat

Some bat species are more likely to be found in cities than in the countryside. A scientific team from Freie Universität Berlin, the University of Greifswald, the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries ...

Urban density strongly correlates with house sparrow health

House sparrows (Passer domesticus) have adapted to urban environments, which are changing and growing faster than ever before. A range of both biotic and abiotic factors—including habitat fragmentation, changing food availability, ...

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