Remote work may be keeping some cities' air cleaner

In the spring of 2020, COVID-19-related restrictions in the United States led to reductions in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions because of the sudden drop in road traffic. But even after restrictions were lifted and the flow ...

UN: Brief gains in air quality in 2020 over COVID lockdowns

The U.N. weather agency says the world—and especially urban areas—experienced a brief, sharp drop in emissions of air pollutants last year amid lockdown measures and related travel restrictions put in place over the coronavirus ...

Rewilding cities: grow back greener, cleaner and healthier

One of the lasting legacies of COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps, is our increased appreciation of open green spaces across towns and cities. Those of us living in bustling cities, have experienced, to various extents, the power ...

COVID-19 lockdowns linked to pollution spikes in some cities

Lockdowns last year in response to COVID-19 resulted in drastic cuts to emissions, especially from vehicle tailpipes, and yet some urban areas saw a paradoxical spike in ozone air pollution. A new study led by the National ...

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