Related topics: nasa

Japan to develop midair rocket-launch system

The government has launched a project to develop a midair rocket-launching system that can place satellites in orbit, it has been learned.

Russia halts Proton rocket launches after accident

Russia is suspending the launches of Proton rockets after an unmanned rocket carrier exploded on takeoff this week, a source on the Russian Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan said Thursday.

NASA OKs East Coast rocket test launch this week

NASA says a private company can conduct a test launch this week of an unmanned rocket intended to help eventual supply runs to the International Space Station.

Europe honours Einstein with space freighter

The fourth of Europe's robot freighters, due to be launched to the International Space Station (ISS) in early 2013, has been named after Albert Einstein, the European Space Agency (ESA) said on Thursday.

Atlantis, astronauts ready; weather maybe not

(AP) -- NASA fueled space shuttle Atlantis for liftoff Friday on the final flight of the 30-year program, even though stormy weather threatened to delay the launch.

Ecuador launches first homemade satellite

Ecuador launched its first satellite into space from China Friday morning, in a moment broadcast live on radio and television back home.

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