Exotic black holes could be a byproduct of dark matter

For every kilogram of matter that we can see—from the computer on your desk to distant stars and galaxies—there are 5 kilograms of invisible matter that suffuse our surroundings. This "dark matter" is a mysterious entity ...

Climate change is messing with how we measure time: Study

Struggle to wrap your head around daylight savings? Spare a thought for the world's timekeepers, who are trying to work out how climate change is affecting Earth's rotation—and in turn, how we keep track of time.

Famed Halley's comet passes aphelion this weekend

It's lonely out there in the frozen outer solar system. On Saturday, December 9th, that most famous of all comets 1P/Halley reaches a hallmark point on its 75-year journey through the solar system, reaching aphelion or its ...

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