US throws support behind treaty to curb plastic

The United States on Thursday threw its support behind negotiations on a treaty to curb plastic pollution, ending a key holdup in international efforts to clean up the planet's oceans and save marine life.

Slash emissions now or face climate disaster, UN warns

The world will miss its chance to avert climate disaster without an immediate and all-but-impossible fall in fossil fuel emissions, the UN said Tuesday in its annual assessment on greenhouse gases.

Buying 'funny fruit' will help feed the world: UN

Make a shopping list and buy "funny fruit," it will cut food waste and help "shape a sustainable future," the United Nations Environment Programme and Food and Agriculture Organzation said on Tuesday.

Human impacts erode behavioral diversity in chimpanzees

Compared to other animals, chimpanzees show tremendous variation across groups in their behavior—from the types of tools they use in their feeding behavior to the specific gestures they use in communication. Research in ...

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