Black holes hide in our cosmic backyard

Monster black holes sometimes lurk behind gas and dust, hiding from the gaze of most telescopes. But they give themselves away when material they feed on emits high-energy X-rays that NASA's NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic ...

A novel way to generate visible light

Visible light is extremely important in nature. Seen by the human eye, it is the most intense light emitted by the sun to reach the earth's surface and is an essential element for fundamental biological processes underlying ...

Study explains why galaxies stop creating stars

Galaxies come in three main shapes - elliptical, spiral (such as the Milky Way) and irregular. They can be massive or small. To add to this mix, galaxies can also be blue or red. Blue galaxies are still actively forming stars. ...

Maths brilliance in systems engineering

"I was trained as an applied mathematician with a strong emphasis on statistics as a student at Dhaka University, Bangladesh. It transpired that this is not a common combination and I then went on to do my PhD at Loughborough ...

New Zealand is best placed to survive collapse

New research has examined the factors that could lead to the collapse of global civilisation, with New Zealand identified as the country most resilient to future threats.

Researchers say may have found cause of mad cow disease

Researchers said Wednesday they believe they may have found the cause of mad cow disease, while stressing the need to maintain precautionary measures to avoid a potential re-emergence of the illness.

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