Remains of Ohio fighter pilot shot down in WWII identified

Authorities have positively identified the remains of an Army Air Forces pilot from Ohio who died when his plane was shot down over Germany during World War II, the Defense Department announced Thursday.

Exploring the thermodynamics of quantum computing

Heat and computers do not mix well. If computers overheat, they do not work well or may even crash. But what about the quantum computers of the future? These high-performance devices are even more sensitive to heat. This ...

Ozone layer: how the hole was plugged

In rare good news for the environment, a UN report confirmed Monday that the hole in the ozone layer that had been threatening Earth since the 1980s is shrinking.

Immediate uptick in investment needed to reach net zero

Both the European Union and Switzerland have set themselves the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050 and of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to net zero. To achieve this target, major investments in power generation ...

Spain sees hottest year on record in 2022

Spain in 2022 experienced the hottest year since records began, the country's national weather service said Monday, adding that several northern cities were also unseasonably warm on New Year's Day 2023.

Six climate breakthroughs that made 2022 a step toward net zero

The damage caused by climate change over this past year was at times so immense it was hard to comprehend. In Pakistan alone, extreme summer flooding killed thousands, displaced millions and caused over $40 billion in losses. ...

Farm-bred octopus: A benefit to the species or an act of cruelty?

Sandwiched here between the Pacific Ocean and Kona Airport—atop a dusty volcanic desert—dozens of 50-gallon water tanks gurgle and bubble away; each home to a solitary, wild-caught octopus and a couple of floating, plastic ...

Energy crisis: The five challenges for 2023

How will the map of global energy change? Will sky-high energy prices boost renewables? How will the industrial landscape shift? What will the lasting economic impacts be? How will the energy crisis affect climate action? ...

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