Top ten hot career trends for college graduates

In a graduation season of high unemployment rates, a new trend study from the University of California San Diego Extension reveals some of the hottest career options for college graduates in this recovering economy.

Poor women and welfare reform: working without a net

Welfare and Unemployment Insurance, considered important parts of Americans' safety net during difficult financial times, have provided little to no help for many low-wage earners who have the shortest distance to fall. Poor ...

Vindictiveness doesn't pay

Vindictiveness doesn't pay. This has been demonstrated by a current study at Bonn and Maastricht Universities. According to this study, a person inclined to deal with inequity on a tit-for-tat basis tends to experience more ...

Future employment prospects bleak

Europe's young people are facing a bleak future with a fragmented and precarious labour market that is only just beginning to be appreciated in the West, according to a paper to be presented this Thursday to the European ...

Obama says cleaner energy will help job creation

US President Barack Obama said Saturday that a transition to cleaner energy will help create more American jobs as he promoted his new initiative designed to reduce US energy imports by a third.

Trump, under pressure, signs $900 bn Covid relief bill

After delaying for nearly a week and under pressure from all sides, US President Donald Trump finally signed a massive $900 billion stimulus bill Sunday, in a long-sought boost for millions of Americans and businesses battered ...

Labour market specialists win Nobel Economics prize

Three labour market specialists, including one nominated but blocked for the US Federal Reserve board, won the 2010 Nobel Economics Prize on Monday for analysing and helping tackle unemployment.

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