Unrecognized qualifications thwart Australia's skilled migrants

New research by workforce experts at Flinders University and Charles Darwin University shows that efforts by skilled migrants to meet employer demands for Australian qualifications result in only marginal returns for these ...

Wages: Why are they not keeping up with inflation?

There has been a huge amount of concern about rising inflation in recent months, and it's made worse by the fact that wage inflation has not been keeping up. A few workers in high-paid jobs have enjoyed higher bonuses and ...

Why sending money to the neediest can boost the US economy

In response to the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress pumped trillions of dollars into the economy in the form of stimulus checks, expanded unemployment benefits, and targeted spending to bolster specific industries ...

Study finds most unemployed young men have criminal records

More than half of unemployed American men in their 30s have a history of being arrested or convicted of a crime, a stigma that poses a barrier to them participating in the nation's labor force, according to a new RAND Corporation ...

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