Chinese households save more than American households, study finds

With the global economy in a state of unrest, saving money seems to be an obvious strategy for households to protect themselves. But are global households saving enough? Researchers at the University of Missouri have compared ...

3 Questions: Making unemployment work

( -- The worst of the economic recession may be behind us, but the unemployment rate stubbornly remains around 10 percent, the highest since the early 1980s (the Bureau of Labor Statistics is set to release its ...

Twitter maps out popularity of Obama, Romney tweets

Twitter has launched an interactive map of the United States that charts where Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's campaign tweets have had the most impact, and where they have fallen flat.

Machine learning in action for the humanitarian sector

Governments across the world came together in Marrakesh this past December to ratify a pact to improve cooperation on international migration. Among other objectives, the Global Compact for Migration seeks to use "accurate ...

Lack of worker skills threatens European recovery (Update 2)

Andrea Ortiz, a 24-year-old Spaniard, has degrees in law and business yet works in a multinational clothing company as a store clerk. She has little hope of advancement and fears that when finally she does get a job she wants, ...

Hartz IV reform did not reduce unemployment in Germany

The Hartz IV reform of the German labor market has been one of the most controversial reforms in the history of the reunited Federal Republic of Germany. It has been widely seen as the end of the welfare state leading into ...

Tech offers relative job security, statistics show

Despite layoffs at tech stalwarts like Google, IBM, Microsoft and Electronic Arts, the impact of the recession on the tech industry is likely to be far less severe than on other areas of the economy, recent labor statistics ...

A new theory on long-term unemployment

(—Com­pa­nies rank more recently unem­ployed job can­di­dates much higher than they would rank oth­er­wise qual­i­fied appli­cants who have been out of work for more than six months, cre­ating an "unem­ploy­ment ...

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