Deep underground forces explain quakes on San Andreas Fault

Rock-melting forces occurring much deeper in the Earth than previously understood appear to drive tremors along a notorious segment of California's San Andreas Fault, according to new USC research that helps explain how quakes ...

Video: SMOS monitoring droughts

In orbit for more than a decade, ESA's Earth Explorer satellite SMOS has not only exceeded its planned lifespan, but also surpassed its original scientific goals. Built to demonstrate new technology in space and address gaps ...

Climate change 'tipping points' too close for comfort

Loading the atmosphere with five million tonnes of CO2 every hour has pushed Earth dangerously close to a no-return threshold, beyond which lies an unlivable hothouse world, top climate scientists have warned.

Ernst Haeckel: Pioneer of modern science

"By ecology, we understand the whole science of the organism's relationship with the surrounding outside world, which includes in a broader sense all 'existential conditions'. These are partly organic and partly inorganic ...

Sweden's Ericsson launches AI lab in Canada

Swedish telecoms giant Ericsson on Thursday announced the launch of its "global artificial intelligence accelerator" in Montreal, where other tech heavyweights like Google, Facebook and Microsoft have invested in AI research ...

How empathy can help students grasp past and present

To really understand people and actions of the past, students need to empathise with the spirit of the time. By considering history from past perspectives, they are better placed to understand and evaluate other people's ...

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