No map, no problems for monarchs

Monarch butterflies have long been admired for their sense of direction, as they migrate from Canada and the United States to Mexico. According to new findings from a team of scientists, including researchers from the University ...

Real angry birds 'flip the bird' before a fight

Male sparrows are capable of fighting to the death. But a new study shows that they often wave their wings wildly first in an attempt to avoid a dangerous brawl.

Chemistry never sounded this good

( -- By now, the word is out at UCLA that undergraduates in Neil Garg's organic chemistry course produce clever, creative music videos as an extra-credit assignment. The bigger secret may be just how much chemistry ...

Girls game less because they have less free time, study

( -- A Michigan State University study finds that girls spend less time playing digital games than boys because they have less leisure time, a finding that could have long-term implications on the technology gender ...

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