Genome sequenced for pesky pumpkin pathogen

Pumpkin growers dread the tiny tan scabs that form on their fruit, each lesion a telltale sign of bacterial spot disease. The specks don't just mar the fruit's flesh, they provide entry points for rot-inducing fungus and ...

Study examines social impact of #MeToo movement

Social media have enabled a grassroots #MeToo movement to generate widespread awareness about violence against women across North America, but the movement's global influence has received limited and sparse research, a Western-led ...

Planetary science intern leads study of Martian crust

The planet Mars has no global magnetic field, although scientists believe it did have one at some point in the past. Previous studies suggest that when Mars' global magnetic field was present, it was approximately the same ...

Laser-based technique to elucidate the mysteries of exosomes

Exosomes are small vesicles released by cells, which contain proteins and genetic materials. They are thought to be involved in various life activities, but current techniques to observe them are expensive and time-consuming. ...

Pioneering a way to keep very small satellites in orbit

A cubesat, largely built by undergraduate students and scheduled to launch on Sunday, will explore the feasibility of a new propulsion method that could enable very small satellites to move around Earth's orbit without carrying ...

How an embryo tells time

It is estimated that the majority of pregnancies that fail do so within the first seven days after fertilization, before the embryo implants into the uterus. In this time period, a complicated cascade of events occurs with ...

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