How racism impacts support for affordable housing

The majority of people in the United States support affordable housing, but attitudes often shift when local developments are proposed. Stanford researchers have found that negative emotional associations with the idea of ...

The 'blind spot' that stops us from seeing the dangers of driving

Is it acceptable to harm another person? It might depend whether or not there's a car involved, according to a new study from UK researchers. They showed that people have a shared 'blind spot' that can make them use different ...

Helping students navigate implicit bias

Most undergraduates will tell you they don't have a bias for or against any gender in the workplace—but surveys will often reveal implicit biases that the students aren't aware of. An interdisciplinary team at NC State ...

Gender equality stalls in the U.S., report finds

For many measures of gender inequality, women rapidly made up ground in the latter half of the 20th century, but progress has since slowed or stalled entirely, according to a report released March 16 by the Stanford Center ...