Quantum optical sensor for the first time tested in space

For the first time ever, a cloud of ultra-cold atoms has been successfully created in space on board of a sounding rocket. The MAIUS mission demonstrates that quantum optical sensors can be operated even in harsh environments ...

Image: Commercially available atom interferometer

A commercially available 'atom interferometer' – exploiting clouds of ultra-cold atoms to make extremely precise measurements of variations in local gravity – on show during ESA's inaugural Quantum Technology workshop.

New instrument on ISS to study ultra-cold quantum gases

A new science instrument, slated to be installed onboard the International Space Station (ISS) in late 2017, is expected to yield interesting results regarding quantum phenomena. The Cold Atom Laboratory, or CAL, will study ...

Ultra-cold atoms may wade through quantum friction

Theoretical physicists studying the behavior of ultra-cold atoms have discovered a new source of friction, dispensing with a century-old paradox in the process. Their prediction, which experimenters may soon try to verify, ...

Cold Atom Laboratory doing cool research

On a sun-drenched hill in Southern California's San Gabriel Mountains, researchers are making progress on an experimental facility that could create the coldest known place in the universe.

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