Asian hornet to colonize UK within two decades without action

The yellow legged or Asian hornet - a voracious predator of honey bees and other beneficial insects - could rapidly colonise the UK unless its spread is combatted, according to new research by the Universities of Warwick ...

How sex work has been affected by the pandemic

In the months before the pandemic, I was involved in an extensive piece of research into the sex work industry in the UK. Focusing on the main online market for sex work in the UK, AdultWork, we analyzed the profiles of more ...

New funding to research 'super material' graphene

Scientists at Imperial College London are set to receive over £4.5 million of public funding to investigate how the 'super material' graphene can drive improvements in high-tech industries, such as aerospace design and medical ...

UK hotel industry alive with innovation

Large hotel chains are quick to adopt and adapt innovations developed in other industries, while smaller hotels make almost continual incremental changes in response to customers' needs. The UK hotel industry is alive with ...

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