Enabling carbon capture, usage and storage

In 2019, the UK became the first major economy to pass legislation that commits to a target of net zero greenhouse gases emissions by 2050, and by 2045 in Scotland. There are many technologies that could assist the UK in ...

Why snow days are becoming increasingly rare in the UK

Winter frost fairs were common on the frozen River Thames between the 17th and 19th centuries, but they've become unimaginable in our lifetime. Over decades and centuries, natural variability in the climate has plunged the ...

African families in UK are 'parenting in fear'

Black African families in the UK are parenting in fear of being penalized by authorities due to cultural differences and institutional racial misconceptions, according to new research published today in The British Journal ...

Biomining study could unlock future settlements on other worlds

Experiments on the International Space Station have shown that the process of "biomining" will work in microgravity; a discovery that could help the first space settlers gather the minerals they need to build a long-term ...

The UK government's COVID spending may lead to inflation

The UK government is spending an enormous amount on COVID-19 - supporting the health service, helping to relieve the suffering of those who have lost their incomes, and helping businesses keep afloat.

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