Whither the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things – IoT – it's a phrase we hear more and more, often hyped, often discussed seriously in the context of cloud computing but definitely a buzz phrase. Put simply, it is the connection of "smart" (and ...

Researcher wins best paper award for automated interview coach

University of Rochester researcher M. Ehsan Hoque has won a best paper award at the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2013) for a computer system designed to help people ...

App facilitates mission feedback

A doctoral student from ETH Zurich has developed a smartphone app that enables fire-fighter team processes to be recorded and evaluated. The software passed the field test with the Zurich Fire Service. Now the app is to be ...

Technological devices offer glimpse into future

Nancy Lan-Lan Ma, a student at Keio University in Japan, demonstrates her product, Cheeron++, at the UbiComp in Orlando, Fla. Sorry, Elmo, the dolls of the future are not just for tickles.

Future computing in the ether

(PhysOrg.com) -- As computer networks become more complex and pervasive, and their development is in a state of constant flux, leaving their design and management to human intervention is becoming increasingly unfeasible. ...

The Internet of Things will transform our everyday

Information technology and electronics are becoming entwined with our everyday lives in industry, the service sector, transport, logistics, health care, housing, education, and our leisure time, almost without our noticing ...

Activity sensing with software sensors

A computer science researcher at the University of Leicester has investigated a technique which senses the activity of the user with the help of computer software systems.

The future of the Internet

The current buzzwords that one might hear flung across the boardroom tables of internet and telecommunications companies might include, "the cloud", "ubiquitous computing", "internet of things", "pervasive computing", "distributed ...

Understanding the hive mind: What drives crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is a method of problem solving that taps the intellectual potential and skills of a large number of people simultaneously, commonly by using the tools of social media and the internet. New research published ...

You'll hardly notice the next generation of wearable tech

On a trip to Germany, David Cameron has announced £45 million to prompt a "new industrial revolution" based on the internet of things. This marks the beginning of a new era for computing and for wearable technologies. We ...

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