Dinosaur footprints set for public display in Utah

A dry wash full of 112-million-year-old dinosaur tracks that include an ankylosaurus, dromaeosaurus and a menacing ancestor of the Tyrannosaurus rex, is set to open to the public this fall in Utah.

How dinosaurs shrank, survived and evolved into birds

That starling at your birdfeeder? It is a dinosaur. The chicken on your dinner plate? Also a dinosaur. That mangy seagull scavenging for chips on the beach? Apart from being disgusting, yet again it is a modern-day dinosaur.

Newly discovered raptor lived alongside T. rex

(Phys.org) —It's been a big year for the University of Alberta's Phil Currie, even by his standards as one of the world's top dinosaur hunters. He's lead instructor on Dino 101. This summer, he had a museum named after ...

'Montana Dueling Dinos' fail to sell at NY auction

Two fossilized dinosaur skeletons, dubbed the "Montana Dueling Dinosaurs" because they appear forever locked in mortal combat, failed to sell Tuesday at a New York City auction.

'Montana Dueling Dinosaurs' to sell at NYC auction

(AP)—Two fossilized dinosaur skeletons found on a Montana ranch in 2006 are going on the auction block in New York City. They're expected to fetch between $7 million and $9 million.

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