Related topics: twitter

Iran in talks to unblock Twitter, says new minister

Iran's new communications minister said Tuesday that negotiations were underway with Twitter to unblock the service, which has been banned for years despite being used even by the country's supreme leader.

Senator's Twitter account hacked

A US senator's Twitter account was hacked Monday and a series of messages sent out to his more than 33,500 followers.

A Closer Look: Your (online) life after death

Sure, you have a lot to do today—laundry, bills, dinner—but it's never too early to start planning for your digital afterlife, the fate of your numerous online accounts once you shed this mortal coil.

Turkish court backs Twitter but site still blocked

In a second ruling against Turkey's ban on Twitter, a Turkish court has overturned an order for the social media network to remove an account that accuses a former minister of corruption, reports said Saturday.

Hackers tweet resignation of Russian PM

Hackers broke into Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's Twitter account on Thursday, tweeting his resignation and criticising President Vladimir Putin.

Hackers hijack Twitter accounts of Chavez critics

(AP) -- Over months, Venezuelan TV soap opera writer Leonardo Padron built a Twitter following of about 250,000 people by posting more than a dozen messages a day, many of them skewering President Hugo Chavez.

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