Related topics: twitter

Thai PM's Twitter account hacked

Thai prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra came under fire from her own Twitter account on Sunday when it was briefly taken over by an anonymous hacker who accused her of incompetence.

Hackers hijack Twitter accounts of Chavez critics

(AP) -- Over months, Venezuelan TV soap opera writer Leonardo Padron built a Twitter following of about 250,000 people by posting more than a dozen messages a day, many of them skewering President Hugo Chavez.

Twitter still seeking ways to cash in

Micro-blogging pioneer Twitter is still looking for ways to make money despite taking much of the world by storm, co-founder Biz Stone said.

Twitter hacked by old technique -- again

(AP) -- Breaking into someone's e-mail can be child's play for a determined hacker, as Twitter Inc. employees have learned the hard way - again.

Sports franchises have been quick to embrace Twitter

Sports fans are always looking for more news, insider information and opportunities for trash talking about their favorite teams. Those with accounts on social messaging system are getting that kind of satisfaction ...

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