Researchers manipulate gold-coated nanoparticles with lasers

Tiny glass nanospheres coated on one side with a very fine gold film: LMU scientists have shown that particles modified in this way can be moved about with high precision using laser beams, creating an optically controlled ...

Engineers put the 'squeeze' on human stem cells

After using optical tweezers to squeeze a tiny bead attached to the outside of a human stem cell, researchers now know how mechanical forces can trigger a key signaling pathway in the cells.

The electric slide dance of DNA knots

DNA has the nasty habit of getting tangled and forming knots. Scientists study these knots to understand their function and learn how to disentangle them (e.g. useful for gene sequencing techniques). Cristian Micheletti, ...

Robotics goes micro-scale

( —The development of light-driven 'micro-robots' that can autonomously investigate and manipulate the nano-scale environment in a microscope comes a step closer, thanks to new research from the University of Bristol. ...

Optical nano-tweezers take over the control of nano-objects

As science and technology go nano, scientists search for new tools to manipulate, observe and modify the "building blocks" of matter at the nanometer scale. With this in mind, the recent publication in Nature Nanotechnology ...

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