Apple unveils $999 iPhone X, loses 'home' button

"One more thing." With that phrase, Apple paid homage to its late co-founder Steve Jobs for the 10-year anniversary of the iPhone on Tuesday when it unveiled its latest—and, at $999, its most expensive—new version of ...

Apple embarks on Emmy quest with big bet on video streaming

Television is one of the few screens that has Apple hasn't conquered, but that may soon change. The world's richest company is appears ready to aim for its own Emmy-worthy programming along the lines of HBO's "Game of Thrones" ...

High-def TVs rule the roost at Berlin's IFA

No-one wants to watch Game of Thrones' bloody fantasy battles on a tiny tablet screen, which is just one reason why cheaper, bigger, higher-definition televisions are the stars of this year's IFA electronics fair in Berlin.

Top trends at IFA 2017

With just a few months to go until the high-tech spending bonanza of the Christmas season, Berlin's IFA trade fair is the place to spot the trends that will mark high streets this year.

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