Related topics: energy · wind farms · wind turbines

New radar scanner tests wind turbine blades for defects

Thanks to the innovative radar scanner from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF, defects in the material composition of the wind turbine blades can now be detected with far greater accuracy and visualized ...

Malaysian court asked to stop rare earths plant

Malaysian activists said on Friday they had filed a court challenge to block a rare earths plant being built by Australian miner Lynas, which has stoked fears over radiation pollution.

Can wind turbines and migrating birds coexist?

In the race to avoid runaway climate change, two renewable energy technologies are being pushed as the solution to powering human societies: wind and solar. But for many years, wind turbines have been on a collision course ...

Study determines best arrangement of tidal sails device

In the long sprint to find new sources of clean, low-cost power, slow and steady might win the race—the slow-moving water of currents and tides, that is. Just as wind turbines tap into the energy of flowing air to generate ...

Upside-down lightning strikes

Upward lightning strikes initiate on the ground and head skyward. These discharges, which usually begin at the top of tall and slender structures, pose a real risk for wind turbines. An EPFL study analyzes the mechanisms ...

Efficiency record of combined cycle power plant

A new Siemens gas turbine operated in a combined cycle with a steam turbine in Irsching, Bavaria, has set a world record for efficiency, making it an outstanding example of green technology. The net efficiency of 60.75 percent ...

Oceanlinx celebrates wave-power unit launch in Australia

( —Oceans carry enough potential energy to make a difference. The devil is in the details. Finding a way to harness all that power had prevented wave power from being seen as a practical solution but now technologists ...

GE introduces natural gas FlexEfficiency 60 turbine

(—General Electric has unveiled its new line of highly efficient natural gas burning turbines for use in generating electricity. The new turbines are able to rapidly increase or reduce their power output to meet ...

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